District Assessment

Assessment provides feedback for continuous improvement of the teaching and learning process. The use of assessments and the data they generate become an integral part of an effective instructional program. When viewed systemically, assessment is intentional, managed, consistent, aligned, coherent, and transparent. The intent is twofold. First, assessment is a process that when followed helps to determine the extent to which students are achieving and maintaining mastery of curriculum objectives. Second, it provides valuable information that when used by teachers and administrators improves decision making regarding classroom instruction, use of resources, needed professional development, appropriate instructional support for students, and changes or revisions to consider for curriculum design.

New Diana ISD directs staff to use assessments for the acquisition, analysis, and communication of student achievement data for:

  • Measuring student progress
  • Directing and focusing teachers’ planning of instruction
  • Informing students about their learning
  • Identifying the critical needs for district/campus planning
  • Evaluating the efficacy of curriculum and programs
  • Communicating progress to the Board of Trustees, parents, and community

Both formative and summative assessments that are aligned to the written curriculum are used by teachers as they plan for learning.

The district will incorporate both formative and summative assessment types into a comprehensive assessment policy and plan that covers the curriculum and is administered and managed in a systematic process throughout the district.

The assessment program is based upon an extensive body of research that includes using results to improve classroom instruction and support student learning of the required curriculum.

The district’s assessment program will provide a balance between assessments that are used for grading purposes and those that are used to provide diagnostic information for teachers, students, and parents.

The district will implement an assessment model that includes steps for teachers and administrators to follow to improve student mastery of the curriculum and state accountability measures.

Assessments are also administered in order to determine eligibility into special programs.

State Assessment

STAAR is given to students in grades 3-8 and to students taking high school level courses in the four core subject areas of English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies

To access general information on STAAR go to State Assessment

District Assessments

The District administers assessments such as:

  • Curriculum Based Assessments,
  • District Benchmarks
  • Universal Screeners in Mathematics and Reading,
  • State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR)
  • Advanced Placement
  • College Entrance Examinations (TSI, PSAT, SAT, ACT)
  • Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)


Credit by Exam
Region 7- Credit By Exam



State Assessment at Texas Education Agency

ACT and SAT information from NDHS

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