New Diana ISD
Child Nutrition Food Services
The New Diana Child Nutrition Department mission is to support the education of our students by providing the highest quality, safe, and nutritionally complete meals with consistently excellent service.
Our goals are to put children first, by continuing to build partnerships and relationships with other district departments, divisions, and the community, to pool our combined resources for the betterment of our students and of our district as a whole.
Student Meal Prices 2024- 2025
All Campuses
$2.00 Paid,
$0.30 Reduced
Adults $2.75
Reduced-Price-Eligible Students Will Receive Breakfast at No Charge in the 2024-25 school years.
HS/MS - $3.65 Paid, $0.40 Reduced.
Elementary - $3.40 Paid, $0.40 Reduced
Adults - $4.50
Meal Applications
Free or Reduced App - English
Free or Reduced App - Spanish
New Diana ISD Wellness Policy


Equal opportunity employer.