The goal of the New Diana ISD Gifted and Talented Education Program is that students who participate in gifted and talented education will demonstrate significant gain in their general knowledge, their ability to express themselves in written and oral form and their problem solving skills. These students will show evidence of improved self-image in relation to family, peers and scholastic achievement. These students will develop their skills in critical thinking through the application of higher level thought processes such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation as well as to think and learn with a deeper understanding of concepts, generalizations and principles.
One of the curriculum resources that has been implemented by New Diana ISD Gifted and Talented teachers is the Texas Performance Standards Project. The TPSP is a statewide standards and assessment system you can use to capture the high levels of achievement of gifted and talented students. The goal of TPSP is for students to create work that reflects the professional quality that the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students requires. Student’s projects are TEKS-based and focus on the core content areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies with interdisciplinary connections. For more information you may visit Texas Performance Standards Project.
N.D. District Gifted & Talented Coordinator- Melissa Ryan
903-663-8000 [email protected]
R.F.H. Elementary Gifted and Talented Contact- Mallory Jackson
903-663-8004 [email protected]
N.D. Middle School Gifted and Talented Contact - Trisha Sampson
903-663-8002 [email protected]
N.D. High School Gifted and Talented Contact - Amy Blalock
903-663-8001 [email protected]
Gifted and Talented Education in Texas
Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented
National Association for Gifted Children
New Diana Board Policy
2019 Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted Talented Students
2020-2021 New Diana GT Plan