New Diana Eagles Take 3RD Place
and Advanced to the State Tournament in Austin, Texas on May 21 - 23, 2017.
Day 1 had the ND Eagles in 3rd place behind Troup and Pottsborro. Winnsborro was one shot back of the EAGLES starting Day 2.
With Great rounds, on an extremely challenging day, Seniors Landon Oney -77 and James Hardan -79, and Freshman William Leslie-84. Closed the gap on Pottsborro to 6 shots and widen their lead over Winnsboro by 23 shots. Congrats to Jackson Sampson and Ethan Thornton on finishing strong for the Eagles.
Also congratulations to Individual Medalist, Blayde Weekley for making it to Regionals. He will definitely be a part of the EAGLES going forward and fill the void of Landon and James in 2018.